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2024-07-11 00:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我们产出服饰,又不仅限服饰。我们⼀路关注年轻群体的动向,服饰是作为输出「work sport play」思考⽅式的⼀种载体,每个⼈社会中所扮演的⻆⾊,在⽇常变化中获取学习的能⼒,同时保持对⽣活的趣味好奇。

—— Wassup

We manufacture clothing, but not simply clothing. We are always monitoring young people’s fashion trends. Clothing is a medium for spreading the “work sport play” mentality. It depicts the function that each individual performs in society, as well as the ability to learn from everyday changes while keeping a keen interest in life.

—— Wassup




Wassup House新店选址广州市越秀区东山口文化创意区,由Geemo Design负责设计。基于对Wassup品牌的理念探索,我们确定了店铺的调性——“质朴”。“质朴”是谦逊的态度、真实的情感以及对自然材料有分寸的运用。

Guangzhou’s Yuexiu District is home to the brand-new Wassup House retail location, which can be found in the Dongshankou Cultural and Creative District. Geemo Design is responsible for its creation. As a result of our investigation into the Wassup brand idea, we have determined that the atmosphere of the store will be “rustic.” A modest demeanor, genuine feelings, and the restrained application of natural materials are what are meant when we talk about “rustic.”


The street-level stores’ facades can only be expressed in the form of finishes due to the existing building’s structural issues. However, we still try to keep the inside and outside spaces visually connected.

▲店铺外立面,overview of the exterior  ©偏方摄影

退过原始建筑连廊的Wassup House咖啡档口为逛店客人以及路人提供咖啡消费场景,右侧入口内退形成的半室内半室外空间,为客人提供一处独立休憩区域,空间更有亲切感。

Shoppers and onlookers may have coffee at the Wassup House coffee shop, which is set back from the original building corridor. The entrance on the right is also moved back to create an area that is partially indoor and partially outdoor. Customers can sit apart in this section, and the place feels cozier as a result.

▲咖啡售卖,Wassup House Coffee ©偏方摄影

▲店铺入口,The entrance©偏方摄影





We would like to develop a setting that exudes “rusticity” while maintaining an atmosphere of tranquility. Its abstract approach of components and materials contrasts with each other in a way that is subtle and does not draw too much attention to itself. The garments are organically incorporated into the shifting layers, and they serve as the primary character of the environment.

▲服装展示区,Product display©偏方摄影


Movable combination display table can meet the needs of a variety of consumer scenarios.


The short length of the original site and the restricted amount of light are eliminated, and then big apertures are created in the exhibition area that is adjacent to the plaza at the rear of the building. There is a possibility of interaction between the interior and outdoor environments, which might result in a blurring of the distinction between the two.

▲后场陈列区,Product display area©偏方摄影

▲陈列区细部,Details of Product display©偏方摄影





In addition to its function as a component of the stairs, we intend to invest the staircase with a more significant function. A spatial landscape is created by the contrast between the rough concrete staircase that was there originally and the elegant metal railing that was added afterwards. We added structural columns to the old building to follow the direction of the staircase’s rotation so that the building would be more secure and highlight the building’s original craftsmanship. We were not able to employ the original design of the staircase that had a single spiral force structure and could have been executed by structural calculations for this project.


▲旋转楼梯细节 space details©偏方摄影


If you continue up the stairs, you will reach the second story. This location houses a variety of displays, including those for apparel and events, as well as fitting rooms, a cashier, and storage places. The room is kept both united and distinct thanks to the consistency of the materials and design techniques. It makes the shopping experience more fluid while while enhancing the sensory richness.

▲室内空间概览,overview of the interior ©偏方摄影

▲试衣间区域,Fitting room area  ©偏方摄影


The design strategy for the display and exhibition space that is currently utilized is the same one that was utilized for the display area that was located at the back of the first floor. It is somewhat self-sufficient while at the same time maintaining a tight connection to the outer area. This location also features a more comfortable size of space.

▲通过露台看向室内,view from Terrace©偏方摄影


The design of the first and second floor facades is carried through to the rear plaza frontage, which consists of a straightforward geometric structure. The outer layer of the building is composed of prefabricated concrete slabs, which lends it a natural and reliable appearance. In contrast, the orange ceramic bricks that are scattered throughout the structure lend it a lively appearance while maintaining its reliability.

▲店铺外立面,overview of the exterior  ©偏方摄影





The use of naturally hard materials such as red brick, concrete, granite, and solid wood helps to highlight the skin-friendly softness of the clothes itself in a more compelling manner. The general selection of material tones, which are gentle and calm, and consist of earth tones throughout the area. It will result in a tension that is in a good way. Our goal is to produce a design that can make an indelible mark on one’s perception of it through the integration of internal and exterior components.

▲旋转楼梯细节 space details©偏方摄影

▲平面图 Floor plan©Geemo Design 


项目名称:wassup house东山口店


硬装设计:Geemo Design 治木设计







Project infomation——

Project name: wassup house at Dongshankou

Program: Store

Design firm: Geemo Design

Designer team: Kirin/ Yi/ Hang

Project location: Guangzhou, China

Completion time: 2022

Area: 160sqm

Photograph: Pian Fang

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